Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools


Monday, September 22, 2014, BPS will launch the first salad bar line this school year at the Curley K-8 School in Jamaica Plain. This fall, FNS will pilot salad bar lines at select schools to assess the best models for implementation and the possibility for future expansion. We hope to identify the most efficient service models that allow the most students to enjoy the salad bar during lunch.

CurleyK-8_logoAt the Curley K-8 School the Salad Bar* (free standing salad bar equipment) will be available 2 days a week and a Made‐to-Order Salad Bar Line will be available 3 days a week.**

Salads from the salad bar are FREE to all students when they select a complete meal. Choosing at least 3 out of 5 components (i.e. lettuce + 2 items) ensures a complete, reimbursable meal according to the National School Lunch Program.  The salad bar will also be available to adults for a flat rate of $4.00 per salad.

What makes a complete meal on the salad bar? Follow these 3 easy steps to build your salad:


Options may vary daily based on availability. Choosing at least 3 out of 5 components (components include: fruits, vegetables, meat/meat alternate, grain and milk) will ensure a complete, reimbursable meal.

We hope the Curley K-8 students enjoy a variety of healthy options on the salad bar Monday!


*The Salad Bar equipment at the Curley K-8 School has been provided by the Salad Bars to Schools Foundation, and was funded by the local Jamaica Plain Whole Foods Market.

**Boston Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Department may temporarily close the salad bar at any time if food safety violations or operational issues arise. 

Last week, Boston Public Schools launched salad bars in two high schools: Boston Arts Academy / Fenway High School and East Boston High School.

At Boston Arts Academy /  Fenway High School, the Salad Bar is available Monday through Thursday, and so far serving over 120 students daily.  Students are able to select their favorite vegetables along with protein choices of turkey, chicken, hummus, ham, and cheeses.  A variety of low-fat dressings are available, along with whole grain rolls and pita bread. 

Lynder Thomas and her staff are very excited about this new addition to their menu and thrilled with the feedback from students.  The administrative and custodial staff is also very enthusiastic and cooperative and has worked with Debra Korzec, Field Coordinator, and the entire Department of Food and Nutrition Services in making this new addition a success!

Over at East Boston High School, the salad bar initiative was initially undertaken by the Healthy Hood Club, a youth organization which was launched last year by Cait Van Damm and Alison Smizer of the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center.  The Healthy Hood Club applied to the Salad Bars to Schools Foundation last spring for the $2500.00 needed to purchase a salad bar for their school. 

In a surprising turn of events, the Salad Bars to Schools Foundation approved more salad bars than they had money to fund, meaning that East Boston High and the Healthy Hood Club would need to find alternative funding to make the salad bar a reality at their school. 

The Healthy Hood Club turned to Cafeteria Manger, Jennie Hall, and Field Supervisor, Patty Courteau, for help.  In collaboration with the school administration along with Shamil Mohammed, the Interim Director of Food and Nutrition Services at BPS, Jennie and Patty were able to set up a self-service “salad line” with equipment already available in the school cafeteria. 

So far, the salad line at East Boston High School has been a tremendous success.  Over 200 students were served the first day, and that number is on the rise! 


This video gives a rundown of four of the special initiatives within Food & Nutrition Services: the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program, the Farm to School Initative, Fuel Up to Play 60, and Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools. All of these programs aim to increase the health and well-being of children within our schools and to improve their educational experiences.